News & Statements

Parliamentary Question for the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

To ask the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation his views on the Social Justice report that stated Ireland is behind targets agreed with the EU on job creation as agreed as part of Europe strategy 2010, particularly with reference to the method of calculation that was used by the EU in the creation of these targets; the way that Ireland compare to other jurisdictions in the EU in this respect, and if he will pinpoint the difficulties that Ireland is having in its achievement of these targets; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Varadkar sets out Transport, Tourism & Sport priorities for Irish Presidency

Like any democratic institution, the Parliament represents a broad range of views. The Transport Committee is no exception. What has impressed me in the lead up is your depth of knowledge on transport issues – both at a micro level but also on how decisions taken here will impact on the European citizen.

Liffey meats burger test results clear

This is very positive news as it supports the claims of the company that they have addressed any concerns that arose from the findings of the FSAI survey in December which found very low trace levels of equine DNA in three of the Liffey Meats burger samples.