News & Statements

No reduction of SNAs in school system

Fine Gael TD and Member of the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children, Peter Fitzpatrick, today (Tuesday) welcomed reassurances from the Minister for Education and Skills that there will be no reduction of Special Needs Assistance (SNA) posts in the school system.

Pipeline of ambitious entrepreneurs will fuel our economic recovery – Harris

Fine Gael Wicklow TD and member of the Oireachtas Finance Committee, Simon Harris, has today (Tuesday) welcomed the publication of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Report for Ireland for 2013, saying that its findings show that a pipeline of ambitious entrepreneurs will help to fuel our economic recovery.

Stop scare mongering on social housing – Byrne

Fine Gael Dublin South Central TD, Catherine Byrne, has today (Tuesday) called on members of the opposition to stop scaremongering on the issue of the new Housing Assistance Payment, a scheme designed to replace rent supplement.

Today is a landmark day for child protection in Ireland- Buttimer

Cork South Central Fine Gael TD and Chairperson of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children, Jerry Buttimer, has welcomed the publication today (Monday) of the Children First Bill 2014, by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD. The legislation will put the Children First Guidelines on a statutory footing.

Cemeteries regulator needed to ensure the bereaved aren’t ripped off – Doherty

Fine Gael Meath East TD, Regina Doherty, has today (Friday) supported the call for the establishment of a cemeteries regulator, saying it is necessary to ensure the bereaved are not paying over the odds to bury their deceased loved ones. Deputy Doherty was speaking during the Dáil debate on the Cemetery Management Bill 2013.

IASS Dispute – Statement by the Expert Panel

On 16 June 2014 the Expert Panel presented their final report on the resolution of the industrial relations issues in The Irish Aviation Superannuation Scheme (“The IASS”) dispute to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Employment, Ibec and Congress.

Independent firearms licensing authority needed – Deering

Fine Gael Carlow TD, Pat Deering, has called for the establishment of an independent firearms licensing authority to ensure greater safety in the purchase of guns. He recently submitted a Parliamentary Question on the matter to Minister for Justice, Frances Fitzgerald TD.

Irish SMEs benefitting from public procurement process – Kyne

Fine Gael TD for Galway West, Sean Kyne, has welcomed the renewed commitment by the Government to ensure SMEs benefit from opportunities presented by the public sector procurement process. Deputy Kyne was speaking after a Dáil debate this week in which he questioned the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin TD, on the new office of public procurement and the measures being taken to ensure Irish SMEs can maximise opportunities to win public contracts.