News & Statements
Mitchell O’Connor welcomes extension of counselling services for those affected by Mother and Baby homes
Fine Gael Dun Laoghaire TD and Tuam native, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, has today (Wednesday) welcomed the announcement from the Minister for Children, Charlie Flanagan TD, that counselling services are being expanded to help cope with the concerns of people affected by Mother and Baby homes.
Speech by the Taoiseach Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., at Ireland’s First Annual Marine Conference on Our Ocean Wealth, Dublin Castle
Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is a very big day for the marine sector in Ireland and I am delighted to see so many people in Dublin Castle to celebrate it by attending the country’s first marine conference.
Transparency in new Gardaí Fixed Charged Penalty System is a significant step forward – Farrell
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal and Member of the Oireachtas Committee for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Farrell has welcomed changes to the operation of the Garda Fixed Charge Penalty System (FCPS).
Transparency in new Gardaí Fixed Charged Penalty System is a significant step forward
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal and Member of the Oireachtas Committee for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Farrell has welcomed changes to the operation of the Garda Fixed Charge Penalty System (FCPS).
Update from Minister Flanagan on Commission of Investigation – Minister sets out information & counselling services available
Welcome funding boost for Grey Abbey Conservation Project – Heydon
Fine Gael Kildare South TD, Martin Heydon, has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan TD, that almost €67,000 is to be granted to Kildare’s Grey Abbey Conservation Project. The grant is part of a €347,200 funding allocation to five local authorities for urgent conservation and preservation works to five heritage structures of national significance.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Social Protection
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the position regarding the implementation of the recommendations for the Report on Pension Charges 2012; and if she will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if a decision has been taken to continue to increase the pupil teacher ratio in fee paying schools until it reaches 28:1 as suggested in the McCarthy report and causing concern; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Justice and Equality
To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality her plans to introduce an e-vetting system; the speed with which it will cut the waiting times for persons on a community employment scheme awaiting Garda clearance; and if she will make a statement on the matter?
Government approves method for the return of medical cards lost in discretionary review
The Government has today approved the method by which medical cards awarded by way of discretion can be returned to persons with serious medical conditions who lost them having completed an eligibility review. The decision covers the period from the 1st of July 2011 till the 31st of May 2014.