News & Statements
Incentivise vacant property owners for new homes outside Dublin – Carey
People who own unoccupied private properties in rural towns need a tax incentive to bring them back into use as homes, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Time to get ambitious about the potential of remote work
Fingal councillors must act on vacant houses – Farrell
Fingal County Councillors must act on vacant council properties, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Baby boxes must be rolled out in Ireland – Richmond
Ireland should roll out baby boxes for new parents nationally, with the Scottish scheme showing hugely positive effects, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
Baby boxes must be rolled out in Ireland – Richmond
Ireland should follow New Zealand model on agriculture emissions
Ireland should follow New Zealand model on agriculture emissions
Ireland should follow New Zealand’s example in their approach to a Net Zero emissions target by 2050, while recognising that food production must be treated differently, Fine Gael TDs and Senators have said.
FF’s election speculation shows their true colours once again – Brophy
Fianna Fáil’s election speculation has exposed that the party’s trademark arrogance and complacency have not gone away, a Fine Gael TD has said.