News & Statements
Minister Mitchell O Connor meets her equivalent in Oman and they discuss Ireland’s Technological Universities
Legal certainty critical for aviation post-Brexit – Richmond
Legal certainty is critical for the aviation sector post-Brexit, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
Time for Sinn Féin to take Westminster seats for Irish interests– Feighan
IS it time for Sinn Féin to take their six seats in Westminster and defend Irish interests as the UK continues to veer wildly towards a Brexit cliff face, Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan has asked.
Minister Mitchell O’Connor successfully steers the Technological Universities Bill through the Seanad
International Women’s Day – The women who inspire our politicians: Activists, athletes, family and friends
Fine Gael Ministers, Deputies and Senators have gathered together today to pay tribute to the women who inspire them most.
Canadian/US border model completely unworkable post Brexit – Richmond
Suggestions from the British Prime Minister that she may look at the border between the USA and Canada as a model for the island of Ireland post Brexit have been dismissed as completely unworkable by a Fine Gael Senator.
Timelines needed for action on Mental Health and Addiction – Neville
A timeline needs to be put in place to ensure that action is taken to properly treat addiction and mental health issues, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Planning for the future makes good sense for Limerick – Byrne
Limerick City and County is going to benefit from significant investment thanks to the Government’s new big vision plan, Project Ireland 2040, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
McHugh announces €884,000 in funding allocation under Local Improvement Scheme
€884,000 in funding has been secured for Local Improvement Schemes in Donegal. The funding will allow for the repair and improvement of small roads and laneways leading to local people’s homes and businesses that are not under the normal maintenance of the Local Authorities.
Councillor John Paul O’Shea joins Fine Gael
Fine Gael has announced that Cllr John Paul O’Shea has joined the party in Cork.