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Cllr John Reilly

Electoral Area: Dundalk Carlingford

Louth County Council

Cllr John Reilly

John was co-opted as a member of Louth County Council in July 2020, replacing John McGahon, following his election to Seanad Éireann.

From Kilcurry, John is married to Majella, and they have two adult sons; John works as a tanker driver, and is also a part-time farmer.

Tourism will be one of John’s priorities.

“Dundalk Carlingford must be one of the most beautiful parts of the county. We have Carlingford, Omeath, the Cooley Mountains. I can look across at St Brigid’s Shrine, the Hill of Faughart, Roche Castle, and I think going forward I’d like to promote tourism, because I think internal tourism would create more employment and we could be in an era now where jet travel – due to global warming and pandemics – won’t be as popular for the next decade. I think north Louth can benefit from tourism.”

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Co. Louth.