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Cllr Bridin Murphy

Electoral Area: New Ross

Wexford County Council

Cllr Bridin Murphy

Bridin Murphy lives in Clonroche with her husband and two daughters, having grown up on her family’s strawberry farm, Boro Valley Fruit Farm. She continues to be a Director of the company.

Bridin completed her Leaving Cert in St. Mary’s, New Ross before receiving a first-class honour in Psychology in Trinity College, followed by a Masters in Addiction Studies. Following this, she worked in Mombasa Kenya for a year, working with children who had been victims of the sex trade.

Bridin completed a Masters degree in social work and has worked in the areas of mental health, care of the elderly and child protection. Bridin served as Treasurer for the Irish Association of Social Workers until 2024.

Bridin was re-elected to Wexford County Council in 2024 and is the current Cathaoirleach of the New Ross Municipal District. She is also the Chairperson of the Transportation and Water Services Special Policy Committee, Chairperson of Clonroche National School and is a Director of the Hook Light House, St. Michael’s Theatre and Adamstown Secondary School.

Her priorities if elected are enhancing our education system through investment in schools and universities, supporting the vulnerable in society through social services, and advocating for victims of domestic, sexual and gender based violence.

Connect With Bridin

Contact Details

Ballymackessy. Clonroche
Co. Wexford
