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Cllr Joe Fox

Electoral Area: Trim

Meath County Council

Cllr Joe Fox

One of my main priorities will be to attract industry into Meath, especially in the Trim South Meath area. It should become the norm, as the economy recovers, that people can work and live in a sustainable way in our local communities. That will be my focus as regards the Local Area Plans which are been reviewed at present.

As our largest indigenous industries, farming and food will be one of the main drivers in our economic recovery. As somebody who is involved in farming I will be working closely with MEP Colm Markey to ensure that farming issues are kept to the fore. Education is for life. It is vitally important that we have a good education infrastructure in the area. As a member of Louth/Meath Education and Training Board and the Board of St. Fintina’s Longwood as well as the Governing Body of the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, I am working on the improvement of liaison between local post-primary schools and local 3rd level institutions.

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Co. Meath.