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Cllr Linda Nelson Murray

Electoral Area: Navan

Meath County Council

Cllr Linda Nelson Murray

Like many of us, I really want to make a difference to living and working in Navan and surrounding villages. I always have, so now is the time I aim to become YOUR Public Representative for Navan in the Local Elections! I want to work on making our community a much better and safer place to work, live and socialise in. I want to bring my extensive experience in life and business to this role as a Local County Councillor.
I am from Navan, County Meath and I am one of six children (only girl) born to Frank and Imelda Nelson. I am married to Finbarr Murray and we have two girls aged 7 and 8.
My work roles range from retail in Navan during school and college, to Marketing Manager in the drinks industry. Over the past 15 years my
husband and I have proudly run The Zone & Huckleberry’s Den in Navan, employing 25 people.
I have had many Directorships including with Meath Partnership, PALI (Play, Activity & Leisure Ireland), the Alliance for Insurance Reform and Boyne Valley Tourism. I am presently on the National Council of ISME (The Irish SME Organisation.)

For the past 3 years I have worked as a Parliamentary Assistant within Fine Gael. I have gained valuable experience in how to get things done. With all that being said, I hope to bring my life and work experience to helping make our local community a better place to live, work, rest and play.


  • Working For Our Businesses
  • Committed To The Community & Dedicated To Progress
  • Striving For A Much Safer Town
  • Hard Work Ethic To Get Jobs Done

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