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Cllr Michael Doyle

Electoral Area: Callan-Thomastown

Kilkenny County Council

Cllr Michael Doyle

Michael is a General Election candidate for Carlow Kilkenny.

He was educated at St Augustine’s and Good Counsel College, New Ross and is currently employed as a Healthcare Assistant. He is married to Becky and is a proud father to Seán and Katie.

In a past life, he trained as a carpenter and subsequently worked with Tierney & O’Neill for 10 enjoyable years. He also managed the family pub in Inistioge. Following the collapse of the building industry, and indeed the Irish economy, Michael,  like thousands of other people. found himself on the unemployment queue. It came to a point where if he was to support his family, he had to either retrain or emigrate. He chose to retrain and is now employed as a Healthcare Assistant in Gowran Abbey Nursing Home.

It’s tough, it’s challenging, it’s a million miles from putting up a roof, but it’s also incredibly rewarding and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I, like many others, have been incredibly disillusioned and let down with the politics of the past. I will not promise people the sun, moon and stars. I will however promise people that I will give the role my very best and do everything in my power to make my family and friends proud.

Michael was elected as Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, for the year 2023-24.

Connect With Michael

Contact Details

The Rower
Co. Kilkenny.