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Cllr Evie Sammon

Electoral Area: Naas

Kildare County Council

Cllr Evie Sammon

Evie Sammon is a County Councillor representing the Naas Municipal District on Kildare County Council.

Evie was first elected in 2019 at the age of 25. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management. Local issues that Evie actively works on include supports for local businesses, provision of childcare and school places, and provision of local amenities.

Evie is a board member of the Kildare Wicklow Educational Training Board and County Kildare Leader Partnership. Most recently, she worked for Senator Emer Currie, having previously worked for Martin Heydon TD, Frances Fitzgerald MEP, Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

Connect With Evie

Contact Details

c/o Áras Chill Dara
Devoy Park
Co. Kildare. W91 X77F
