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Cllr Anna Grainger

Electoral Area: Dundrum

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Cllr Anna Grainger

I’m delighted to have been elected as a Councillor for the Dundrum Electoral Area. If I can be of help to you on any local issues affecting you or our community, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Since being appointed a Local Area Representative for Dundrum, my work and commitment to you and our area, has not been found wanting. My pledge to you is to continue this work and truly make a difference.
In order to bring this work and commitment to another level so I can truly make a difference, I need your support. I believe it is important that Dundrum has more female voices at the table. So, as the sole female Fine Gael candidate, your support is crucial in enabling me to continue this work.
I am passionate about our community and will be a strong and active voice in dealing with the issues that matter to you.
My priorities include crime prevention, health & life-saving skills, protective measures for our senior citizens, increased amenities for children, strategic planning & environment. I believe I can advance these causes and make a difference to all of our lives.

Connect With Anna

Contact Details

c/o County Hall
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co Dublin
