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Senator Noel O’Donovan

Electoral Area: Skibbereen-West Cork

Senator Noel O’Donovan

My name is Noel O’Donovan and I’m delighted to have been appointed as a Senator in February 2025. My replacement on Cork County Council will be selected in the coming weeks.

I’m originally from Rossmore, Clonakilty, attended school in Dunmanway and now live in Rosscarbery, where I help run our family grocery business, O’Reilly’s Londis. I have served the public all my life, previously as a member of Cork County Council from 2011–2017 and for a period as a member of An Garda Siochana.

Quite simply, I’m passionate about West Cork and serving our community. My main aim in politics is to help people and influence positive change. Improving infrastructure and services within our towns, villages and countryside to make the area a better place for us all to live and work in is one of my key priorities.

My record shows I’m honest, hard-working, and committed to getting the job done.

With your support, I will be a strong and experienced voice for you in Seanad Éireann.

Please feel free to contact me if I can help you in any way or follow my social media to stay in touch.

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