Opening schools in August impacting on West Cork tourism – Lombard
30th August 2018 - Senator Tim Lombard
A Fine Gael Senator said the opening of schools in August is having an adverse effect on tourism in West Cork.
Senator Tim Lombard said: “Since the school year was revised a couple of years ago, many involved in the tourism industry here in West Cork have noted that takings have been significantly down for August.
“By opening the schools in August we’re essentially taking a week out of the tourism season, which traditionally covered June, July and August.
“I believe we need to have another look at the necessity of bringing the school year back a week. Holiday homes are usually booked on a weekly basis, so by encroaching the school year even a few days into August, this is affecting holiday home providers and other local businesses for the entire week.
“Underpinned by strategic decisions, such as the zero-rated travel tax and the introduction of a special 9% VAT rate, tourism has thrived since Fine Gael came to power.
“I just want to see a common sense approach taken to decisions that have a knock on effect on our local industries,” the Fine Gael Senator said.
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