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New vaccination centre at MTU Cork to be operational by end of June – Buttimer

2nd June 2021 - Jerry Buttimer TD

A new Vaccination Centre at the Munster Technological University (MTU) will be operational by the end of June, a Fine Gael Senator has said. Senator Jerry Buttimer confirmed the news after questioning the HSE about this Vaccination Centre of strategic importance.

Senator Buttimer said “The proposed vaccination centre at MTU Cork is strategically located and will be of huge importance in terms of ramping up the distribution of vaccines to people in Cork.

“I recently wrote to the HSE seeking an update on the timeline for the centre. I am pleased to say that it has been confirmed to me by the CEO of the South/South West Hospital Group that the MTU Vaccination Centre will be up and running by the end of June, when additional vaccine supply comes on stream.

“The MTU is already in use by GPs at weekends for the vaccination of people over 70 and those in high risk groups. However it is great to receive confirmation that it will be a fully operational Vaccination Centre in the coming weeks.

“I wish to commend the HSE teams in Cork and the wider South West for their hard work and dedication to this vaccine programme, which has been running smoothly. It will be great to watch the numbers of vaccinated people increase greatly in the next few weeks and months and the MTU Vaccination Centre will have a hugely important role to play in that,” concluded Senator Buttimer.