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New Sport Capital Programme Warmly Welcomed

28th March 2012 - Senator Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael TD for Kildare North, Anthony Lawlor, welcomes the announcement made today by Junior Minister Michael Ring that after four years,€30 million in funding has been allocated for a new round of sports capital projects.

“I was delighted to attend the launch this morning of the 2012 Sports Capital Programme. For the past four years, sporting clubs and organisations throughout the country were unable to access state funds to assist in the upgrading of sporting facilities or the purchase of equipment. The announcement today fulfils a commitment by this Government to encourage people to take part in sports. Despite the current economic situation, the Minister recognised the importance of encouraging sporting organisations to expand their clubs and enhance their facilities.

“In previous years a strict requirement on landownership excluded many clubs from applying for funding. However this clause has been relaxed. Applicants who do not have their own land or have a long lease will now be able to apply for grants of up to €25,000 to upgrade facilities, opening the programme to many more clubs. Furthermore the minimum amount of matching funding which clubs and organisations will need to provide themselves in order to apply for a grant has been halved from the previous round of the programme in 2008.

“The Minister has recognised that due to the lack of funding, the amounts of grants available will be much smaller than in previous years. I do however welcome the fact that there will be stricter monitoring of the clubs to ensure that the money is utilised for its intended purpose.

“I would invite clubs and organisations to avail of this funding. Not only will this initiative create construction jobs but it will also be of immense benefit to the wider community”.



Application forms and information about how to apply is available on the website:

The deadline for applications made online and those made in Irish (and hard copy of the signed application form and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 1st June 2012.

Paper based applications (and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 11th May 2012.

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