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New laws being examined for data centre planning – Breen

25th September 2017 - Pat Breen TD

The Government is examining new laws in a bid to speed up future data centre planning proposals, Minister of State with special responsibility for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Pat Breen has revealed.

Mr Breen, a Fine Gael TD for Clare said every effort must be made to ensure Ireland remains an attractive investment option for multinationals seeking to construct data centres here.

Current legislation has led to a lengthy delay for a proposed data centre project and Minister Breen believes examining other legislative options can lead to a more efficient planning system for future years and ensure continued investment across all regions of Ireland.

“Fine Gael in Government has an incredible record of attracting foreign investment to our country which in turn leads to employment in all regions. This must and will continue.

“To ensure this, we are currently examining what other potential legislation could be used to assist with the planning process when it comes to data centre planning. We are committed to find a solution and improve the industry and the building of data centres.

“In any planning procedure, all sides with input to a proposed project must be respected and listened to before a final decision is made. However, there is no reason why this process cannot happen at a quicker pace while respecting all contributions to a planned project,” Minister Breen said.

The Clare TD said this is part of the government’s wider action plan for the future of the Irish economy.

“The government is committed to ensuring that Ireland remains a world leader location for data activities, including the construction of data centres.

“Ireland has the fastest growing economy in Europe. Fine Gael policies and governance has helped us achieve this.

“We want to provide opportunities for all. Ours is a bright future and we want to ensure Ireland is a leader in the data industry,” Minister Breen said.

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