To ask the Minister for Defence the number of women currently serving in the Air Corps...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which he expects to be in a position to meet any requirements of upgrading the facilities throughout the Defence Forces...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which members of the Reserve Defence Forces receive annual or periodic training...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent of the skills, technical and academic, currently available throughout the Defence Forces...
To ask the Minister for Defence the current strength of the reserved armed forces...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which he has been notified of the requirements for further deployment of Irish troops overseas...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which recruitment to the Defence Forces has addressed any shortage of personnel...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which he expects Irish troop deployment overseas to be of sufficient strength to ensure their viability at all times...
To ask the Minister for Defence the total receipts from disposal of decommissioned military installations disposed of over the years since 1998...
To ask the Minister for Defence the extent to which members of the FCA receive annual training...