To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which ready access and vital back up support remains available to children at risk...
To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which he has identified a shortage of nursing staff throughout the public health service as a contributory cause of overcrowding...
To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which early alert procedures exist to identify children and youth deemed to have a disposition towards self-harm...
To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which adequate provision remains available to meet the needs of those seeking respite care for themselves or their carers...
To ask the Minister for Health the comparisons that have been made between the public and the private health sector in respect of the number of patients...
To ask the Minister for Health the number of orthodontists currently operating in the public health system; the number of children receiving treatment...
To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which initiatives he has taken have positively impacted on nursing staff levels in the various public hospitals...
To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which nurses from this jurisdiction have opted to seek employment overseas in each of the past six years to date...
To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which his initiatives in respect of extra nursing staff at Naas General Hospital, County Kildare have been implemented...
To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which his Department continues to detect and monitor potential situations of child abuse...