Restaurants in Dublin City need to be given a break and have their commercial rates waived, a Fine Gael Councillor has said.
Developers must be compelled to build childcare facilities in new housing developments, which could be acquired as state assets and leased back at a reasonable cost to childcare providers, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
The Department of Education’s continued delay to release the findings of the School Transport Scheme review is sounding alarm bells, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
A Fine Gael Senator has criticised the position that Basketball Ireland’s national women’s team has been put in.
All social media companies must raise their account age limits to 16 to match the digital consent age here, according to Fine Gael TD Ciaran Cannon.
Schools and parents must commit to limiting use of smartphones in classrooms to protect and safeguard children, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
Fines of up to €20 million for social media companies which fail to comply with the Online Safety Code will reduce the risk of harm and danger to children online, according to Fine Gael Senator Micheal Carrigy.
John Bruton was an honest, fair, and gifted person who contributed immensely to Ireland, Europe and the world throughout a half-century of political leadership.
This morning, I was devasted to learn that John Bruton had passed away. John was one of the reasons I became involved in politics and joined Fine Gael.
Family statement: “It is with deep sadness we wish to announce the death of former Taoiseach John Bruton.
A ban on the sale of disposable vapes is needed on both health and environmental grounds, a Fine Gael TD has said.