Sunday openings for dlr LexIcon will extend its appeal - Bailey
Fine Gael TD for Dun Laoghaire, Maria Bailey, has welcomed moves to open dlr LexIcon, Dun Laoghaire’s flagship library, on Sundays, saying this will extend its appeal and make it more accessible to local people, as well as visitors to the area. “Sunday openings for dlr Lexicon, our flagship library in Dun Laoghaire, would be a really positive move. This was first mooted in the dlr Library Development Plan 2016-2020 which was approved by Council on 11 April 2016, and the matter of Sunday openings was agreed in principle at a meeting of the Council last night (Wednesday). “dlr LexIcon is much more than just a library; it is an art and cultural centre, with excellent exhibition space. It is also used for study and research by the local community, and Sunday opening hours would simply be about extending these services and facilities to the local community. “Sunday is also a busy day for visitors coming to Dun Laoghaire and Sunday openings will likely mean increased footfall in dlr LexIcon from people who have never been inside its doors before. No doubt they will be amazed by the beautiful facility and all that is on offer there. This is also really good for extending the appeal of the library and ensuring increased use of its services in the long term.”
9th June 2016