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Jobseekers Pay Related Benefit will help protect workers – O’Donovan

28th March 2025 - Fine Gael Press Office

Jobseekers Pay Related Benefit (JPRB) will act as a safety net for workers across the country, a Fine Gael Senator has said.

Senator Noel O’Donovan said that the new JPRB will increase the amount of support for those who lose their job by more than 50%.

The Fine Gael Senator said the measure, which comes into place next week, was proposed and delivered by Fine Gael.

“Losing your job is a stressful and uncertain time. Your income falls dramatically but your everyday living costs and bills stay the same.

“Fine Gael has always been focused on making work pay and ensuring that everyone who pays into the social welfare fund can benefit from it when they need it.

“Former Minister Heather Humphreys got the work started on this and now that it is becoming a reality will assist those hard workers should they fall on unfortunate times.

“From now on if you lose your job you can apply for JPRB. This means the rate of payment will now depend on your previous weekly pay, from a minimum of €125 a week to a maximum rate of €450 a week.

“These landmark reforms will see people who have a long work history and who have contributed to the system via their PRSI receive enhanced benefits if they find themselves in the tough situation of losing their job.

“It will help you focus on finding a new job or to avail of short, skills-based courses and training. You can focus on getting back on your feet, safe in the knowledge that you will receive a higher weekly payment to help you meet essential bills like rent or mortgage payments.

“Fine Gael have previously expanded access to supports, like Dental and Optical Benefits and Illness Benefit to self-employed people. Now we’re building on this progress by introducing a new Jobseekers Benefit.

“If you have lost your job, you can apply for JPRB online at or by visiting your local Intreo Office or Social Welfare Local Office.

“Fine Gael will always reward the people who have worked hard, paid their dues, and contributed to the economy,” concluded Senator O’Donovan.