Jobs Enterprise & Innovation: Job Creations and Losses for County Kildare from 2010-present 11th July 2013
11th July 2013 - Bernard Durkan TD
NO. 156
To ask the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the total number of jobs created and jobs lost in County Kildare in each of the past three years to date; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 10th July, 2013.
Ref No: 33663/13
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (Mr. Bruton)
The Forfás Annual Employment Survey reports on job gains and losses in companies that are supported by the enterprise development agencies. Details of the number of new jobs created and lost in IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland client companies in County Kildare in each year from 2010 to 2012 are set out in the following tabular statement. The jobs gained and lost in Kildare County Enterprise Board assisted companies for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 are also outlined in the following tabular statement.
Supporting new and existing indigenous and foreign-owned businesses, is central to our plans for recovery, growth and jobs. When the first in a series of annual Action Plans for Jobs was launched in 2012, I said that the transformation needed for our economy would come through deliberate and determined action across all areas of Government and the private sector. This year’s Action Plan for Jobs 2013 continues that process. It includes 333 actions for delivery across all Government Departments and 46 Agencies or Offices. The Enterprise Development agencies and the County and City Enterprise Boards are at the forefront of implementing the Action Plan for Jobs and continue to ensure that enterprises can maximise their contribution to economic recovery and jobs growth.
Enterprise Ireland’s mission is to partner with entrepreneurs, businesses, and the research and investment communities to develop Ireland’s international trade, innovation, leadership, and competitiveness. The ultimate objective is increased employment and prosperity in Ireland.
IDA Ireland continues to work with its existing client base in County Kildare to expand their presence and to progress the development of a knowledge economy in order that the County can compete both nationally and internationally for foreign direct investment.
The Kildare County Enterprise Board is working to develop indigenous potential and stimulate economic activity at a local level primarily through the provision of financial and technical support for the development of small and micro-enterprises.
Full-Time job gains and losses in Enterprise Ireland client companies in County Kildare
Job Gains2951082534
Job Losses543372244
Full-Time job gains and losses in IDA Ireland client companies in County Kildare
Job Gains1,228398176
Job Losses418507489
Job gained and Job losses in Kildare County Enterprise Board assisted companies
Job Gained WTE*223173.5171.5
Job Losses WTE*167252214
(*Whole Time Equivalent (WTE))
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