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Independent Ireland TDs vote against the Special Criminal Court and jailing serious criminals – Dillon

27th June 2024 - Alan Dillon, TD

Independent TDs have sided against the public and Gardaí by voting against the retention of the Special Criminal Court to deal with the country’s most serious criminals and organised crime, a Fine Gael Minister said.

On Wednesday evening in the Dáil, Independent Ireland’s Michael Collins, Richard O’Donoghue and Michael Fitzmaurice all voted against crucial legislation to allow Gardaí bring the country’s most feared criminals before the Special Criminal Court (SCC).

Minister Alan Dillon, a Mayo TD, said ‘it is important that people are fully aware of the anti-law and order position taken by the trio along with others who did not support the retention of the legislation.

“This is an affront to every law abiding citizen of this country. Independent Ireland have sided with the mob and criminals and against the court which has locked up the country’s most serious murderers, and criminals.

“We all know Sinn Fein never vote in favour of it’s retention and are more in favour of walking of the Dáil when the vote is called. The Independent Ireland TDs are now fully against the Special Criminal Court.

“Following trials before the SCC, convictions were secured against John Gilligan, Slab Murphy, and Jonathan Dowdall, a former Sinn Féin councillor.

“Richard O’Donoghue comes from Limerick where Gardaí and the SCC locked up numerous members of the country’s most dangerous organised crime gangs operating in the region.

“The killers of Det Garda Jerry McCabe were jailed in the SCC. How does Deputy O’Donoghue explain his position to voters?

“Fine Gael will always back Gardaí and the courts.

“People who are brought before the SCC are serious offenders who are a danger to our society, that are a risk to intimidating jurors if their trial was to be held with a jury.

“Voters should be very aware of what these so-called independents stand for when they promise solutions to all issues yet side against Gardaí and the public when it comes to the retention of legislation used to ensure we have the tools to take on the country’s most dangerous criminals,” Minister Dillon said.

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