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Huge Turnout for National Launch of FG Presidential Campaign

10th October 2011 - Senator Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael TD for Kildare North, Anthony Lawlor, attended the national launch of the Presidential campaign in Dublin this week which was packed to the rafters with TDs, Senators, Councillors and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

“The national launch of the Mitchell for President campaign took place in Dublin this week and it was a huge success. The room was packed to the brim with the parliamentary party, as well as councillors and party members from across the country.

“With just three weeks to go until polling day on October 27th, the enthusiasm in the room was infectious as Gay Mitchell spoke about his vision for the Presidency. As someone who grew up during hard times, he knows what people are going through and he knows that we can come through this.

“Ireland needs someone with experience as President. Gay Mitchell MEP was a TD for 26 years and an MEP for seven. I believe that he has the experience and the international contacts that we need to help bring jobs to this country.

“For too long, we have forgotten what we were good at and what we do well. Agriculture is the star of this economy at the moment and a major creator of jobs. A big part of his role as President would be to help open up new markets and develop existing ones, so that more people can find work in this vital area.

“Gay also spoke about his proposals to lead the charge in promoting mental health, especially for young people. He wants to work with voluntary groups who do important work in the area of mental health. This generation is under great pressure, and we’ve seen too many people take their own lives. It’s time for us to tackle this in a meaningful way.

“Over the next three weeks I will be canvassing the length and breadth of Kildare North to gather support for who I believe is the best person to be President of Ireland, Gay Mitchell.”

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