Fine Gael is building stronger, safer communities. That’s why we have created a number of schemes to provide urgent assistance to small businesses and households affected by flooding.
CALL NOW: Homeowners affected by flooding in need of assistance can contact the Community Welfare Service by phoning 0818 60 70 80
The Humanitarian Assistance Scheme helps households by providing income-tested financial assistance to people whose homes are damaged from flooding and severe weather events and who are unable to meet costs for essential needs, household items and structural repair.
Recently, we increased the income limits for the scheme to ensure those most in need can avail of it:
- From €30,000 to €50,000 for a single person;
- From €50,000 to €90,000 for a couple; and
- From €10,000 to €15,000 per dependent child
How to Apply:
· You can download the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme Application Form
· From your local Intreo Office
· By calling the Community Welfare Service by on 0818 60 70 80
Fine Gael backs business. That’s why this scheme to offers financial assistance to small businesses, sports clubs, and community and voluntary organisations.
It has two stages:
• The first stage will commence immediately and will provide up to €5,000, depending on the scale of the flooding damage incurred.
• If your business has incurred significant damages above €5,000, you can apply for additional financial assistance, following an assessment by the Irish Red Cross. The total level of aid available for both stages combined will be capped at €20,000.
How to Apply:
· By downloading the form here, filling it out and posting it to Irish Red Cross, 16 Merrion Square, D02 XF85 or by email to
This provides higher levels of financial assistance for businesses that have been severely affected in certain locations. This scheme also has two stages:
• An initial application leading to a quick payment, which is capped at €10,000. While this will be an upfront payment, it will be subject to assessment.
• A small number of applicants may have incurred significant damages and may seek assistance more than €10,000. In this case, a second stage will require a more detailed assessment of the losses/damage incurred. This will provide the scope for a further payment with the total payment available (initial and subsequent) capped at €100,000.
How to Apply
· You can download the form here, filling it out, and posting it to Irish Red Cross, 16 Merrion Square, D02 XF85, or by email to
In addition to the flooding schemes, low-cost loans of up to €25,000 are immediately available from Microfinance Ireland to small businesses that cannot get loan financing from other lenders.
This loan can be used for general business purposes including re stocking and other business costs. Loans for capital expenditure are also available, which could fund the refurbishment of premises or the replacement of equipment.
How to Apply:
· You can do this by going to the loans section of the Microfinance Ireland website here