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Fine Gael TDs welcome the establishment of the Cabinet Committee to retain Nitrates Derogation

25th February 2025 - Fine Gael Press Office

Fine Gael TDs welcome the establishment of the Cabinet Committee to retain Nitrates Derogation


Fine Gael TDs William Aird, Keira Keogh, and Pete Roche have today welcomed the establishment of the Cabinet committee on Water Quality to secure the retention of the Nitrates Derogation.


This was a key commitment from Fine Gael during the general election campaign.


Deputy William Aird said: “Fine Gael campaigned during the general election on the need for a Cabinet Committee on Water Quality chaired by the Taoiseach to coordinate water quality improvements across all sectors but crucially to secure Ireland’s nitrates derogation. This was a promise Tánaiste Simon Harris made to farmers in the general election.


Deputy Keira Keogh said: “Fine Gael negotiated for this in the Programme for Government and the Cabinet has now agreed the establishment of the committee, which will meet quarterly and will do everything within its power to make the case at EU level to secure the retention of the Nitrates Derogation given our unique grass-based production model.


“Fine Gael – led by Tánaiste Simon Harris and Minister Martin Heydon – will continue to work with and listen to farmers, industry, state agencies and local authorities to develop evidence-based solutions to assist farmers in improving water quality.


Deputy Pete Roche said: “The nitrates derogation is a national asset on which a sector of our economy depends, and Ireland must do everything it can to ensure we retain it. Today’s announcement gives the agricultural sector confidence and the reassurance that the work to retain our derogation will be a national effort and led from the top.”