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Fine Gael selects Minister Hildegarde Naughten and Senator Sean Kyne to contest Galway West constituency in General Election

20th July 2024 - Fine Gael Press Office


Minister Hildegarde Naughten and Senator Sean Kyne have been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Galway West constituency at the next General Election.


Party members selected Minister Hildegarde Naughten and Senator Sean Kyne last night in a convention which was chaired by Maria Walsh MEP.


Fine Gael have now chosen 18 General Election candidates in eleven constituencies.


Minister Naughten said: “I am delighted to have been selected to contest the next General Election for Fine Gael in Galway West alongside my colleague, Senator Sean Kyne.

“It is an election we can face with confidence in our party, our policies, and our new leader. Our party is reinvigorated, our members enthused, and I am very much looking forward to the campaign trail.”

Senator Kyne said: “I’m delighted to receive the nomination from the Fine Gael branch members in Galway West to contest the next General Election.

“As a member of the Oireachtas since 2011, I have worked to improve services locally across Galway West and helped improve the lives of residents.

“Galway is a very special place and I have been proud to advocate for the city and county since first entering the Oireachtas. If elected I hope to continue that work.”

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