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Fine Gael launches campaign for Yes vote in Marriage Equality Referendum

27th April 2015 - Daniel Rowan

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, today (Monday) launched Fine Gael’s campaign calling for a Yes vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum on Friday, 22nd May. An Taoiseach launched the event alongside the Director of Elections for Fine Gael’s Marriage Equality Referendum campaign, Minister Simon Coveney TD as well as Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister Leo Varadkar TD and the Chair of the Fine Gael LGBT Group, Jerry Buttimer TD. The event was also addressed by two members of the public, Enda Morgan and Edel Tierney, who spoke about the importance of the Referendum passing to their own lives.

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny said: “Equal marriage is all about enriching the everyday lives of ordinary men and women. It’s that equality in marriage that I believe will bring great happiness and joy not alone to couples but to their families, their siblings, parents and grandparents.

“By voting Yes on May 22nd, we will ensure that all couples can share the benefits of civil marriage. We will ensure that people will be treated equally no matter who they love. We will acknowledge that same-sex couples, like other couples, deserve the equal right to commit to each other with the words, ‘I do’.”

Minister Coveney said: “As Director of Elections, I’m looking forward to engaging with people on this debate over the next 4 weeks as this is an issue I really believe is important for everyone. Fine Gael intends to lead this campaign successfully. We strongly believe this is the right thing to do and we will take on each argument and win each one to ensure a positive outcome to the Referendum.”

Minister Varadkar said: “”The Yes Campaign wants to ‘Make Grá the Law’ – in the wonderful phrase adopted by so many on social media. We should not give in to the politics of fear. There are many real threats to our society that should cause us concern but love, equal rights and marriage are not among them. We are asking people to say Yes on May 22nd, yes to equality before the law for all our citizens and yes to stronger marriage by extending the right to marry to all loving couples.”

Minister Fitzgerald said: “Marriage is a special place where two people can provide each other with the love, the support, the strength to cope with all that life throws at a family. It is a unique way to find the fullness and joy of family life. As a mature, open and pluralist society, we should want equality on that front. This referendum is about allowing same-sex couples to marry on the same basis as other couples. It will not affect existing marriages in any way. But it will bring our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, colleagues and friends who are currently left outside marriage because of our current constitutional position inside.”

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