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Extension of public consultation phase on National Development Plan gives everyone a chance to have a say – Buttimer

2nd February 2021 - Jerry Buttimer TD

Fine Gael Senator Jerry Buttimer is advising that the deadline for submissions to the public consultation phase of the National Development Plan has been extended to the 19th of February, giving everyone the chance to have a say.

Senator Buttimer was speaking after a meeting of the Oireachtas Transport and Communications Networks committee, which heard an update on the National Development Plan review from Ms Anne Graham, Chief Executive, National Transport Authority and Mr Peter Walsh, Chief Executive, Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

The Cork Senator, who is a member of the committee, said: “I welcome the extension of the public consultation phase of the National Development Plan (NDP), which is so crucial to the balanced regional development that Fine Gael has prioritised in Government, and is critical to the growth and development of Cork as a counterbalance to Dublin.

“By 2040, we will have a population of 6 million people. That is why Fine Gael brought forward Project Ireland 2040 in the last Government, which consists of an ambitious National Development Plan and is based on the National Planning Framework, meaning that for the first time in Ireland’s history our planning and capital investment plans are aligned. This will help ensure that future population and economic growth are more balanced than was the case in the past.

“The consultation on the review of the NDP is an opportunity for representative groups, community groups, civic leaders and citizens, to contribute their views to inform and influence the future of Cork.

“The final review of the NDP is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021 and it is imperative that key infrastructural projects and investments that will help to enhance and develop Cork and the South West are not just included, but prioritised.

“The delivery of the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy is of critical importance and with a commitment to comprehensive multimodal transport options, Cork can be reimagined and reshaped as a city.

Senator Buttimer concluded: “I encourage everyone to read the plan and have their say now that the public consultation is extended. The public consultation can be found at All interested parties – individuals, community group and representative bodies – can submit their views to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform by email to before 5pm on 19th February 2021.”