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Expansion of postal voting system key for healthy democracy

19th June 2024 - David Stanton TD

Postal voting must be extended to include Irish citizens who will be outside of their electoral area on polling day, a Fine Gael TD has said.


Deputy David Stanton has highlighted the need for the expansion of postal voting rights to all Irish citizens who are away from home on polling day. The proposal aims to ensure that every eligible voter can exercise their democratic right, should they wish, regardless of their location on election day.


Deputy Stanton said: “I want to emphasise the importance of enabling all citizens to participate in the electoral process, even if individual circumstances and personal commitments mean that it is not possible to cast a vote on a given day.


“We have seen the success of postal voting systems in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries provide postal voting for citizens who are away for various reasons, ensuring their voices are heard in national and local elections.


“Currently, Ireland’s postal voting is restricted to specific groups such as students, people with disabilities, diplomats, and members of the Defence Forces. I argue that this system should be expanded to cover all Irish citizens who are temporarily unavailable to vote.


“Positive steps have already been taken in this regard, including the expansion of the postal voting system to those with mental health issues and the establishment of An Coimisiún Toghcháin, the independent statutory body that oversees elections in Ireland, under the Electoral Reform Act 2022.


“I have received confirmation that the Government is committed to exploring the expansion of postal voting and awaits recommendations from An Coimisiún Toghcháin’s upcoming research findings.


“I urge members of Dáil Éireann to consider the positive benefits of such a proposal, which would foster a more inclusive and representative democracy, where every citizen, regardless of their location on polling day, has their say.” Deputy Stanton concluded.

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