Exclusion of Fine Gael representatives weakens work to achieve gender equality – Seery Kearney
13th February 2022 - Mary Seery-Kearney
The exclusion of Fine Gael public representatives from the upcoming National Women’s Council of Ireland’s (NWCI) rally is disappointing and undermines the record and work of Fine Gael to achieve true gender equality, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
Commenting on the line up of speakers for the 2022 Women’s Rally, Dublin Senator, Mary Seery Kearney said: “The issues women confront going about their daily lives are universal which is why female public representatives from across the political spectrum have made tackling these issues a priority.
“The Women’s Rally is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 5th March outside Leinster House. Yet, with the choice of speakers, it’s clear that some women will be left behind solely on the basis of party affiliation. The decision completely overlooks the work of Fine Gael in tackling gender-based challenges and striving for real gender equality.
“Fine Gael has three female Cabinet ministers – half of the total number, six female TDs and five female senators at the Oireachtas and three MEPs out of the Party’s total of five. At local level, 65 Fine Gael councillors are women, who serve their communities right across the country.
“In addition, Fine Gael has an active and vibrant Women’s Network, supporting women to become more active at all levels of the Party and to stand for election.
“Fine Gael in Government has done more than any other Party before it in terms of gender equality in politics. In Government, Fine Gael introduced gender quotas, which links State funding to the number of female public representatives. Fine Gael established the Women’s Health Taskforce and secured the development of a Women’s Health Action Plan, introduced the National Childcare Scheme and launched the Balance for Better Business initiative.
“Fine Gael has a clear record on gender equality matters and its representatives are committed to making true gender equality a reality in Ireland. It is disappointing in the extreme for the NWCI – a national organisation for all women – to choose to ignore the work of the Party and its representatives – women and men – when determining the line-up this year’s rally,” concluded Senator Seery Kearney.
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