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EU Fiscal Compact Treaty Referendum 31st May: Make Sure You Can Vote

8th April 2012 - Senator Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael TD for Kildare North, Anthony Lawlor, is urging people of Kildare North to check the electoral register to ensure they are eligible to vote in the upcoming referendum on the Fiscal Compact Treaty on 31st May.

“This is a very important referendum to ensure the future stability of the Eurozone and in particular, Ireland’s smooth path to recovery. It is imperative that the people of Ireland can use their democratic vote to have their say on this matter. I therefore encourage people to check that they are currently registered to vote, and if not, that they will have their name included on the Supplementary Register.

“Minister Phil Hogan has announced that those who want to avail of the supplement to the register have until Monday 14th May to make an application to their local authority for inclusion. People can check if they are registered to vote or download applications forms from Alternatively they can contact Kildare County Council on 045 980201.

“I feel very strongly about people exercising their democratic right and that Ireland has a high voter turnout on 31st May. For the next six weeks this country will be gripped with the referendum campaign. I strongly encourage people to become engaged with the facts of the referendum, to make an informed decision and to come out in their masses to vote”.

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