Defence: Strength of Army 22nd July 2013
22nd July 2013 - Bernard Durkan TD
* To ask the Minister for Defence the current total strength of the Army including the Army Reserve, male and female, the extent to which it is expected to maintain such numbers in the future having regard to trends in the past three years to date; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
DEPUTY Bernard J. Durkan.
Ref No: 36604/13 Proof: 650
Minister for Defence (Mr. Alan Shatter T.D.): The attached table sets out the number of men and women serving in the Army at 31 December for each of the years 2010 to 2012 and the Army Reserve at 31 December in years 2010 and 2011.
I am advised by the military authorities that the strength of the Army at 30 June 2013, the latest date for which figures are available, was 7,307, comprising 6,841 men and 466 women.
With regard to the Army Reserve, the total strength at 30 November 2012, the latest date for which figures are available was 4,773. This figure comprises 3,782 men and 991 women. I am advised that following completion of the recent re-organisation of the Reserve Defence Force, up to date strength figures for the Army Reserve will be available for the next reporting period which ends on 31 July. I will provide this information directly to the Deputy once it comes to hand.
As the Deputy will be aware, a major re-organisation of the Permanent Defence Force was completed in 2012. In addition, and in response to the findings of a Value for Money Review which was published in late 2012, the Reserve Defence Force has also now been re-organised. I am satisfied that the changes brought about by these two processes ensure that the Defence Forces organisational structures are configured to maximise required capabilities.
2010 7285 467 7752
2011 7183 467 7650
2012 7028 482 7510
2010 4537 1283 5820
2011 3936 1059 4995
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