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Coffey calls on GAA to ensure free-to-air broadcasting of inter-county matches

28th March 2014 - Sarah Meade

Fine Gael Waterford TD and Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications, Paudie Coffey, has said the GAA must ensure that inter-county matches continue to be available on free-to-air TV here. Deputy Coffey said the GAA has a strong presence in every parish across the country and that local communities should be entitled to view inter-county matches free-to-air.


“The GAA is a community-based organisation that relies on volunteers every day to assist in its running and on the amateur players who dedicate their lives to play for and support their local team. The GAA is part of our history and our heritage and it must continue to be accessible for everyone on the island of Ireland.  


“Like many others around the country, I have always been involved with the GAA. I am lifelong member, a former player and I am currently chairman of my club.   The news that the GAA is in advanced talks with a subscription sports channel is very worrying. The organisation needs to ensure that viewers in Ireland can continue the cultural tradition of being able to view inter-county matches on a free-to-air station.


“This is a matter that I will look to address as Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications.   I have taken the time to write to the GAA outlining my concerns regarding this development, which could potentially have a damaging impact on the GAA in Ireland.   I believe it is essential that any agreement would include a commitment that Irish viewers on the island of Ireland will still be able to view inter-county matches free-to-air.


“The broadcasting of inter-county championship fixtures on a subscription-only basis risks damaging the GAA at grassroots level.   Given the historical and cultural significance of the GAA in Ireland, the organisation should make all possible efforts to ensure that every inter-county championship game shown on TV is available free-to-air on the island of Ireland.”