Clarity needed from NTA on public transport ticketing for commuters – O’Dowd
30th April 2020 - Fergus O'Dowd TD
Commuters need clarity on public transport ticketing during the Covid-19 upheaval, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Louth Deputy Fergus O’Dowd has called for the NTA, the governing body for public transport, to reveal its plans for refunds and future arrangements for commuter and frequent travel schemes in light of Covid-19 restrictions.
Deputy O’Dowd said: “I am calling for transparency as to whether Minister Ross, in conjunction with the NTA, has made a final decision on whether refunds will be paid on commuters pre-paid tickets across all modes of public transport.
“Many regular commuters have found themselves working from home since March and expiry dates on pre-paid tickets should be changed to reflect weeks without use.
“I’m also seeking clarity from the NTA and Minister Ross in respect of preparing flexible commuter tickets over the coming months for what will be a very difficult period.
“Many commuters have raised concerns with me that they may be put on a 2 or 3 day week and want to know will tickets be made available to facilitate such a requirement in order to be affordable and appropriate for commuters needs.
“Furthermore, very sadly some people have lost their jobs and will no longer need to use their prepaid commuter tickets, these should also be refunded.
“We find ourselves in very exceptional circumstances and everyone is making great sacrifices in the name of public health.
“Every effort should be made to accomodate commuters in this instance,” Deputy O’Dowd concluded.
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