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Clarification on New Drunk Driving Limits

6th November 2011 - Senator Anthony Lawlor

“Since the recent introduction of the new drink driving limits, a number of constituents have contacted me in relation to the new lower limit of 20mg per 100ml of blood for professional drivers, tractor drivers and private cars towing a trailer. There appears to be some confusion in particular about people towing a private trailer. I have had this matter clarified by the Minister for Transport, Leo Varadkar, and I can assure people who tow a trailer that they will only be subjected to the lower limit if in fact they are towing a trailer at the time the offence is recorded” stated Anthony Lawlor TD.

Currently in order to tow a tractor, one must have an EB category licence and are considered under the law as a ‘specified person’. The new lower limits that have been introduced are applicable to all ‘specified persons’ under the categorisation of driver licences. As result a number of people have approached me concerned that because their licence is categorised as EB, if they were stopped by the Gardaí and were not towing a trailer at the same time, that they would be subjected to the lower limit if alcohol tested.

“However, it has been made clear to me by the Department that an individual with a ‘specified person’ categorised licence will only be subjected to the new limit if in fact they are driving the ‘specified vehicle’ as determined by their licence. Therefore, people should rest assured that if they are licensed to drive with a trailer, the new laws will not apply if they are driving their car without the trailer” concluded Anthony Lawlor TD.

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