Children: Youth Poverty 9th May 2013
9th May 2013 - Bernard Durkan TD
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Ms. Fitzgerald)
by Deputy Bernard J. Durkan
for WRITTEN ANSWER on 09/05/2013
* To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which her Department has been made aware of youth poverty; her strategy to address any such issues; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
Bernard J. Durkan T.D.
My Department has been given lead responsibility for implementing a new Area-Based Approach to Child Poverty programme during 2013-2016. This initiative was announced as part of Budget 2013 and has a funding allocation this year of €2.5 million, This is expected to increase to €4.75 million in 2015. The Initiative reflects the Programme for Government commitment to adopt an area-based approach to child poverty in co-operation with philanthropic partners, drawing upon best international practice and existing services, to break the cycle of child poverty where it is most deeply entrenched and improve the outcomes for children and young people where these are currently significantly poorer than they are for children and young people living elsewhere in the State. Officials in my Department are currently engaged in discussions with a philanthropic partner with a view to securing additional co-funding for the programme.
The new programme will build on and continue the work of the Prevention and Early Intervention Programme which has also been implemented by my Department. This earlier programme involved the implementation of a range of evidence based programmes and practices on a pilot basis in three areas of high social and economic disadvantage. The programmes aimed at improving outcomes for children and young people in relation to literacy, speech and language, health and pro-social behaviour as well as supporting improved parenting skills. The programmes are currently being evaluated by national and international experts.
The three existing areas of programme interventions, together with at least three additional areas, are expected to participate in the new programme. In addition, it is my intention to broaden the impact of the programme by, where appropriate, beginning the process of mainstreaming as many as possible of the evidence based programmes which have had positive test outcomes and are cost-effective. The establishment of my Department’s new Child and Family Agency later this year will be important to this process.
Officials in my Department are leading a cross-Departmental Project Team to ensure that arrangements for the introduction of the new programme are put in places at the earliest possible date. Applications to participate in the programme were invited from interested consortia last month and the closing date for their receipt is 31st May 2013. Information relating to the application process is available from my Department.
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