Children and Youth Affairs: Availability of Adequate Resources 8th July 2013
8th July 2013 - Bernard Durkan TD
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Ms. Fitzgerald)
by Deputy Bernard J. Durkan
for ORAL ANSWER on 04/07/2013
To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which she is satisfied regarding the availability of adequate resources within her Department to meet the full scale of responsibilities likely to fall within her remit with particular reference to the welfare of children and young adults; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan
My Department was set up to drive the delivery of key commitments in relation to children and young people and to put in place a unified framework of policy, legislation and provision across Government in respect of children and young people.
The 2013 estimate includes an allocation of €443m for my Department which represents an increase of €16m over the 2012 allocation and this clearly demonstrates the continuing commitment of this Government to the ongoing development of quality and effective services to support children and families.
Since establishment, I and my Department have the responsibility for the welfare of children and young adults. The resources associated with those services include those attaching to the Family Support Agency and the National Educational Welfare Board both of which are already under my remit. By agreement with my colleague the Minister for Health, the Child Protection and Welfare services of the HSE has been operating as a shadow agency over the period of 2012 in preparation for the transition to the new Agency. The resources relating to these services and any other services proposed for transfer will also come under my remit. Processes regarding the transfer of the related staff are largely finalised and the final budgetary transfers will be subject to an agreed due diligence process. Control of this Voted expenditure will transfer to my Department on establishment day.
There is no doubt that this is a substantial programme of reform which does not end on establishment day. The setting up of the Child and Family Agency is at the heart of the Government’s reform of child and family services. The Government decided that it was essential and appropriate that child welfare and protection services transfer from the Health Service Executive to a new, dedicated Agency. The Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Department of Health are working jointly on an impact analysis of proposed future arrangements for this service as they relate to children and family services covered by the Child and Family Agency and to services provided by the HSE. The establishment of a single agency incorporating key children’s services will provide a focus for the major reforms already underway within Children and Family Services. In addition to this large scale structural reform programme, the HSE Child and Family Directorate is also implementing a significant programme of ongoing reforms. These reforms at operational level respond in detail to many identified gaps and changes needed to ensure a more consistent, effective and quality service delivery.
The Department is currently examining its internal structures to ensure they are aligned and resourced to continue and enhance its oversight and performance management function as regards the new Agency. I will be continuing to work with my colleagues the Minister for Health and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (in the context of the budgetary process) on the resources issue as we progress towards establishment of the new Agency.
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