Arts Update: Promotion of Ireland during EU Presidency through medium of the Arts and National Heritage 29th November 2012
29th November 2012 - Bernard Durkan TD
To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his plans to promote a positive image of Ireland during Ireland’s Presidency of the EU through the medium of the arts and national heritage; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 28th November, 2012.
Ref No: 53370/12 Proof: 195
Minister for Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht (Mr Jimmy Deenihan, T.D.)
The Deputy will appreciate that, in assuming the Presidency of the EU Council of Culture Ministers, I will be engaged with progressing work on dossiers which have been under discussion and consideration by my colleague Ministers for some time. The progress achieved on these dossiers has been the focus of much of the work of the preceding Trio Presidencies, Poland, Denmark and Cyprus. It is my intention to pursue these issues to successful conclusions within the limitations of time, budgets procedures and activities in other EU Institutions. The key priorities on the Council’s Culture agenda are Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, Europe Cities of Culture and Europeana.
The Culture Programme for the EU Presidency, which will embrace international and national elements, is being co-ordinated and planned by my Department in conjunction with the Arts Council and other partners. I am confident that, through the diverse and comprehensive range of activities planned across Ireland, in Brussels, Paris, Berlin and throughout Europe, that Ireland’s reputation as a progressive, imaginative and innovative nation within the arts, culture and heritage spheres will be further enhanced and consolidated.
I should also say that I am acutely aware of the importance of the contribution of the country’s genealogy resources to the country’s overall cultural policy. In this regard, I will shortly be bringing a memorandum to Government setting out my proposals in this area. In the context of Ireland’s Presidency of the European Union, I will be anxious to avail of every opportunity to exploit our county’s rich genealogical heritage in engaging with our European neighbours. These plans will also be of benefit in relation to the ongoing arrangements for The Gathering.
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