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Action needed to end sneaky gains for energy companies – Clendennen

18th October 2024 - Fine Gael Press Office

Energy companies must inform customers in writing when their contracts are due to end, a Fine Gael Councillor and General Election candidate has said.


Fine Gael General Election Candidate for Offaly, Councillor John Clendennen, has said this needs to happen to end “sneaky gains” by energy companies.


Councillor Clendennen said: “When domestic consumers or businesses come to the end of a contract period with their energy provider, they are automatically placed on the providers standard rate which, invariably, is much higher than the rate in the contract.


“Many consumers will not be aware of, or will have forgotten, the date when their contract ends. In many cases this will only become apparent months later when higher bills start hitting the account. At a time when both households and business are challenged with increasing costs, this is unacceptable.


In my view, there is a simple solution. Energy providers should be compelled to inform customers, in writing, independent of their invoice, four to six weeks in advance of a contract end, in clear and simple language, that the contract period is nearing an end. Consumers can then take decisions and actions, ensuring they obtain the best value energy rates.


“I will be writing to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) requesting that they immediately take action on this issue,” concluded Councillor Clendennen.

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