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Fine Gael selects Senator Jerry Buttimer to contest Cork South-Central constituency in General Election

25th September 2024 - Fine Gael Press Office

Senator Jerry Buttimer has been selected by Fine Gael to represent Fine Gael in the Cork South- Central constituency at the next General Election.


Senator Buttimer will run alongside Fine Gael candidates Councillors Úna McCarthy and Shane O’Callaghan.


Fine Gael have now chosen 67 General Election candidates in 41 constituencies.


Senator Buttimer was added to the Cork South-Central ticket alongside Councillors McCarthy and O’Callaghan, following a meeting of Fine Gael’s Executive Council tonight.


Senator Buttimer said: “I am honoured to have been asked by An Taoiseach Simon Harris to contest the next General Election for Fine Gael in Cork South-Central.

“An Taoiseach Simon Harris is campaigning with a new dedication and a new energy. Throughout my career, I have always brought that same dedication and energy, not only to campaigning for Fine Gael at election time, but also to representing the people of Cork and the constituency of Cork South-Central in particular.

“My motivation lies in generating ideas and energy, about doing and delivering.

“As a member of the Oireachtas both as a TD and a Senator, I have always carried out my roles and responsibilities to Cork and to the people of Cork South-Central with great dedication, honesty, and integrity.

“I am more committed than ever to advancing the policies and principles that will make a lasting difference for the people of Cork South-Central. I believe that together, we can continue to drive forward progress, ensuring that every voice is heard, and every community is empowered.

“The next election is about forming a stable Government and continuing to invest in education, healthcare, policing, and housing. We need to address the cost of living by ensuring we have full employment and providing economic stability with focused support for those who need it.

“The people of Cork South-Central deserve an experienced, decisive TD and I am confident in my abilities to work diligently and to hold firm for them, should they give me their vote forth-coming General Election.”

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