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FG MEPs welcome EPP support for cooperation with Irish banking inquiry

5th February 2015 - Aoife Carragher

The four Fine Gael MEPs have welcomed the declaration of support by the Group of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament for the Irish banking inquiry and the cooperation of the ECB, IMF and Commission with the inquiry.

Sean Kelly (South), Mairead McGuinness (Midlands North West), Brian Hayes (Dublin) and Deirdre Clune (South) described as “positive” today’s statement issued by the EPP Group.

In responding to the statement, the Fine Gael MEPs said the EPP Group statement was a clear signal of support for the Irish people and a step forward for real accountability: “We warmly welcome the recognition of the efforts by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to fully engage with the EU institutions on the issue. Importantly, the EPP Group also acknowledges the need for transparency and cooperation to allow the Irish banking inquiry to conduct its business without hindrance, so it may provide answers to the Irish people.”

“We call on the ECB to fully cooperate with the banking inquiry. In the interest of democracy and in respect to the Irish people, a way has to be found for answers to be given. Brussels is not the appropriate place for the ECB to be held accountable. A suggestion that Mr. Trichet would come before Irish Members of the European Parliament is not acceptable to us. The ECB’s information on what happened during the Irish banking crisis needs to be given in Dublin – directly to the Irish people,” they added.

“The European People’s Party is the biggest political group in the European Parliament and this statement sends out a strong signal of support to the Irish people.”

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