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Update: Skill Requiremnets of the Workplace – Education and Science 27th November, 2014

27th November 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD


Ceist Pharlaiminte

Chun an Aire Oideachais agus Eolaíoctha
To the Minister for Education and Science

To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which she remains
satisfied that the skills requirement of the workplace continues to be met by
education; her further proposals in this regard; and if she will make a
statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.

* For WRITTEN answer on Thursday, 27th November, 2014.
Reference Number: 45727/14


Minister Jan O’Sullivan

My Department has a number of strategies and initiatives in place to ensure
that further education and training meets the skills requirements of the
workplace. SOLAS with the assistance of relevant experts such as the ESRI,
employers and local and national organisations have published a five year
strategy for the further education and training sector which provides us with a
strategic roadmap for this crucial element of the education and training
system. The strategy includes a vision of a flexible, quality-driven, labour
market-relevant, integrated and responsive sector that supports learner
progression, transitions into employment and personal development.

In addition to the 5 year Strategy, SOLAS has published a first ever integrated
Further Education and Training Services Plan for 2014 and it provides
information on the range of further education and training funded by the Irish
Government and it sets out in detail how the State’s investment in 2014 will be
used by SOLAS and the Education and Training Boards to meet the skills needs of
learners and employers.

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