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Update: Bio-Energy Reduction – Communications, Energy & Natural Resources 23rd October, 2014

23rd October 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD

[Ref No.: 40879/14]

*  To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the extent to which bio-energy reduction continues to be assisted with a view to achieving self-sufficiency in respect of energy sources in the future; and if he will make a statement on the matter. – Bernard J. Durkan.

*    For WRITTEN answer on Thursday, 23rd October, 2014.

(676  Received on 20th October, 2014.)

Ref No: 40881/14 Proof: 226

To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the extent to which employment creation has been generated by the bio-fuel and bio-energy sectors; and if he will make a statement on the matter. – Bernard J. Durkan.

* For WRITTEN answer on Thursday, 23rd October, 2014.

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Deputy Alex White)
I propose to take Questions Nos.201 and 203 together.

I recently published a Draft Bioenergy Plan which is available on my Department’s website ( ). The draft Plan identifies the opportunity for the sustainable development of Ireland’s bioenergy resources and will be implemented through a number of policy and enabling actions. The draft Plan will undergo Strategic Environmental and Appropriate Assessments, including public consultation, which will inform the content of the finalised Plan. These assessment processes will commence shortly.

The draft Plan recommends the continuation of the REFIT schemes and the Biofuels Obligation Scheme, both of which provide a route to market for biomass. Furthermore, the analysis underpinning the Plan is that an additional bioenergy-focussed measure in the heat sector represents the most cost effective means of meeting a number of different policy goals. Therefore, the Plan also recommends the introduction of a Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for larger heat users to change to heating solutions that produce heat from renewable sources and its introduction would further increase the demand for biomass. The RHI scheme, once designed, will require State Aid approval from the European Commission and further Government approval. It is proposed to have the scheme in place in 2016.

Although my Department does not hold figures on the number of jobs that have been created and supported in the bioenergy sector, the draft Plan recognises that meeting the demand for biomass from indigenous sources could deliver significant economic and employment benefits. Consequently, the draft Plan contains measures to stimulate and support the supply of Irish biomass. In this regard the key recommendations include: the continued support for the Afforestation Programme; the continuation of the Bioenergy Scheme for energy crops; and the establishment of Bioenergy Ireland, a joint venture between Bord na M ó na and Coillte.

In terms of developing new sources of biomass, the draft Plan provides that the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government will endeavour to optimise the availability of waste for energy and that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will continue its support for innovative energy uses for animal by-products.

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