1000 jobs a month created in our improving economy
26th April 2013 - Alan Farrell TD
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell has welcomed the progress being made in job creation after the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, and the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, announced that 144 out of 150 measures scheduled in the Action Plan for Jobs have been implemented in the first quarter of 2013. The implementation of these measures comes at a time when 1,000 new private sector jobs are being created each month.
“The implementation of 144 out of 150 measures in the Action Plan for Jobs in the first quarter of 2013, shows that the Government is delivering on its commitment to create the environment for job creation in Ireland. The practical impact of this progress is seen in the creation of 1,000 new private sector jobs a month. This is a welcome contrast to the previous Government which oversaw the loss of 7,000 jobs per month, over 250,000 job losses prior to the General Election 2011. Although this shows that we are moving in the right direction, there is still a huge amount to be done.
“This Government has helped transform how the international community sees Ireland and this has reaped dividends in the form of significant job creation by international companies in Ireland and record exports of Irish products. Over the past 15 months, an additional 15,000 jobs have been created in the private sector. Irish and multinational exporting companies had record years in 2012, and our exports have hit levels 16% above the pre-2008 high.
“The previous Fianna Fáil-led Government based its economic model on property, banking and debt and it ruined our economy. The worst legacy of that regime is the 250,000 jobs that were lost in three years. This Government will continue to enable the transition to a sustainable economy based on exports, innovation and enterprise. We believe that this will provide the jobs that we so badly need.
“The Government’s job is to create the environment for jobs. This Government has done this by reducing red tape for small businesses, investing in 3rd level ICT programmes which will attract investors and going out and selling Ireland to investors abroad. The creation of 1,000 new private sector jobs a month shows that this approach is working.
“As part of the plan to make Ireland a leading location for ICT skills we have:
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell has welcomed the progress being made in job creation after the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, and the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, announced that 144 out of 150 measures scheduled in the Action Plan for Jobs have been implemented in the first quarter of 2013. The implementation of these measures comes at a time when 1,000 new private sector jobs are being created each month.
“The implementation of 144 out of 150 measures in the Action Plan for Jobs in the first quarter of 2013, shows that the Government is delivering on its commitment to create the environment for job creation in Ireland. The practical impact of this progress is seen in the creation of 1,000 new private sector jobs a month. This is a welcome contrast to the previous Government which oversaw the loss of 7,000 jobs per month, over 250,000 job losses prior to the General Election 2011. Although this shows that we are moving in the right direction, there is still a huge amount to be done.
“This Government has helped transform how the international community sees Ireland and this has reaped dividends in the form of significant job creation by international companies in Ireland and record exports of Irish products. Over the past 15 months, an additional 15,000 jobs have been created in the private sector. Irish and multinational exporting companies had record years in 2012, and our exports have hit levels 16% above the pre-2008 high
“The previous Fianna Fáil-led Government based its economic model on property, banking and debt and it ruined our economy. The worst legacy of that regime is the 250,000 jobs that were lost in three years. This Government will continue to enable the transition to a sustainable economy based on exports, innovation and enterprise. We believe that this will provide the jobs that we so badly needed.
“The Government’s job is to create the environment for jobs. This Government has done this by reducing red tape for small businesses, investing in 3rd level ICT programmes which will attract investors and going out and selling Ireland to investors abroad. The creation of 1,000 new private sector jobs a month shows that this approach is working.
“As part of the plan to make Ireland a leading location for ICT skills we have:
Provided 2,000 additional places at ICT-graduate level;
Increased by 50% the number of job permits granted over the coming year in the ICT sector;
Provided for 700 additional graduates from ICT skills conversion Programmes, and 600 additional graduates from Springboard ICT courses.
“As well as delivering on the larger-scale projects, we continue the equally necessary programme of rebuilding the small business sector:
We have reduced red tape for small businesses by implementing the 10 Point Tax Plan for the SME sector;
We are closely monitoring the lending targets for the two pillar banks;
We have facilitated the NPRF’s delivery of a new suite of SME investment funds.
“We have revised our legislation to provide a deterrent to late payments in the economy and improve business cash-flow. We are granting visas free of charge and on an accelerated basis to visitors from abroad attending specific events during The Gathering.
“Far too many people are still out of work and many people are struggling. However this announcement shows that we are making real progress. Jobs are and will remain the top priority of this Government, and we will continue to implement the changes necessary to rebuild the economy.”
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